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That Thought-Devouring Oxygenator, AU-M

  Don't Look At Me... Seventy+ percent of those of you who deigned to follow my suggestion and [felt* before you knew] would be able to grab the mic center stage at the Super Bowl [tomorrow!] and [share] what you know with an audience of - I don't know - billions? Fact fans? Fact. * past tense and past participle of "feel", you un-boomers, you This Iteration Is Her Fault Not Mine I've been talking and eventually blogging about au-m and its relation to oxygenation and [henosis]/meditation for years to no effect whatso facting ever.  I was discussing it [again] with a relation who, probably in exasperation, said, "Well if you can tell me how to teach it to my five year-old, I'd be interested."  The "then and only then" was very much implied. Henosis For Five Year-Olds To teach a fiveyear-old the Three Step process described in  A Great Idea , turn Steps One and Two into a game by timing the child's "Paul" and "haul" ef...

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The Thought-Devouring Oxygenator, AU-M