That Thought-Devouring Oxygenator, AU-M

 Don't Look At Me...

Seventy+ percent of those of you who deigned to follow my suggestion and [felt* before you knew] would be able to grab the mic center stage at the Super Bowl [tomorrow!] and [share] what you know with an audience of - I don't know - billions?

Fact fans? Fact.
*past tense and past participle of "feel", you un-boomers, you

This Iteration Is Her Fault Not Mine

I've been talking and eventually blogging about au-m and its relation to oxygenation and [henosis]/meditation for years to no effect whatsofactingever. 

I was discussing it [again] with a relation who, probably in exasperation, said, "Well if you can tell me how to teach it to my five year-old, I'd be interested." 

The "then and only then" was very much implied.

Henosis For Five Year-Olds

To teach a fiveyear-old the Three Step process described in A Great Idea, turn Steps One and Two into a game by timing the child's "Paul" and "haul" efforts.

In each Step, game-ify things further by having the child repeat each effort at least once, with the aim of saying them longer each time.

Step Three is effectively the same, but instead of 5-15 minutes, start with 1-3 minutes. In future you may decide to eliminate Steps One and Two. They do however contribute to the gamey-ness of the exercise, as well as engendering  focus before the serious[ish] au-m breaths. 

[This can take the whole "take a deep breath you little screaming, ranting monster tyrant" idea to a much deeper level.]

Believe Or Not Be-Comings
  • the lifelong importance of knowing what US Marines are taught to do when they have to end an adversary's life with their bare hands
  • the perfection of Trump's ground game prior to his election and what that has to do with you, [here]
  •  how this all began on playground basketball courts in the early '80s, not on the [proverbial] mystic's misty mountaintop



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